This post is to officially announce the period for accepting Letters of Intent for our upcoming Baronial Polling has opened.
All letters of intent are to be sent to
All letters of intent must be received no later than September 13, 2024. The letters must include the following:
* SCA Name and any titles (how you wish to be listed on the poll).
* Legal Name with contact information including: mailing address, phone number, email address. Copy of valid membership card (valid through the transition time period) and a copy of photo identification.
* Letters can include any information you as the candidate wishes to communicate to the Crown or the populace – such as SCA experience or vision for the barony.
* The submission should also include a single photo of each candidate with the current Middle Kingdom photo release form.
* All documents should be in a PDF or Word document format, please. (Photos can be submitted separately as GIF, JPG, PNG or TIFF.) The Model release form can be found here:
Roaring Wastes Baronial Transition – Accepting Letters of Intent